
Jaylin Horta

¡Regresa La Subasta a viva voz!

Descarga el catálogo No te quedes sin participar del evento que trae miles de descuentos en propiedades alrededor de toda la isla. Por Centro Casas Centro Casas Subastas celebrará su subasta presencial y virtual de propiedades a viva voz el próximo viernes, 25 de agosto de 2023, a las 10:00

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Experience the Thrill of Mini-Storage Auctions

By Betsy Pino, VP & Auctioneer Have you ever watched Storage Wars? Does it pique your interest? We invite you to be a part of our Mini-Storage auctions. It’s incredibly easy and accessible to the public. You can find highly intriguing items in Mini-Storage auctions and even start your resale

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Tips for Buying Properties at Auction

By Betsy Pino, VP & Auctioneer   Buying a house at an auction can be a tempting prospect. Anyone searching for a home might be drawn to acquiring a property below its market value. In times like these, where excess property inventory poses a challenge for the banking industry, auctions

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How to sell your property faster and efficiently

By Betsy Pino, VP & Auctioneer Are you looking to sell your property quickly and efficiently? Whether it’s your first time buying a residence or you’re an experienced investor, live auction events like La Subasta, held by Centro Casas in Puerto Rico, can be a great option. Here are some

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